My six core values are my driving force.
They are my commitment to you in how I do business every day.


Transparency & Reliability

I will always be upfront and open about skills, expectations, and job status with my clients & colleagues. I prioritise being an efficient and dependable VA.


I am honest and trustworthy, and I will treat you with the respect you deserve. I expect the same from my clients.

Creativity & Ingenuity

I remain open to new ideas, innovations, and ways of working. I have a curious and creative mind. I bring a “yes, and…” attitude to all I do.



I am committed to giving 5% of my quarterly revenue to charitable and social justice works, as well as giving my time where I can. I keep my clients updated on the impact they help to make.


Everyone is welcome in my business. I build accessibility into my systems and procedures, regularly reflect on my own biases and operate with an anti-bias approach, and defer to the wisdom of those with different lived experiences than me in making my business safe and welcoming for all people.


I believe strongly in protecting and stewarding our earth with wisdom and kindness. I implement sustainable office practices, including offsetting the carbon from the energy I use, printing as little as possible, recycling, composting, using public transport, and a broad range of other sustainability measures.